Learn how to count from 100 till 1000 in Swedish. Lär dig räkna från 100 till 1000.
In this video you will continue learning how to count in Swedish – now from 100 till 1000 and above. Watch, listen, repeat after to train the pronunciation.
Learn how to count in Swedish from 0 to 100. Lär dig räkna från 0 till 100.
Learn how to count in Swedish by watching and listening the video. Then, read the table of cardinal (grundtal) and ordinal (ordningstal) numbers below.
Pay attention to the endings. For example, for 13 (thirteen) until 19 (nineteen) the ending is “ton”: tretton, fjorton, etc.. For ordinal numbers, första (first) and andra (second) are ending with “a“, 7th – 10th are ending with “nde“.
What’s your name? Where are you from? How are old are you? That’s probably the most popular first questions the new-comer would hear.
In these short 2 videos you can practice answering and asking those questions. Listen to the real people talking on the street to get acquainted to with different accents. The subtitles and translation to English is below.
To start with, read and learn 9 personal pronouns: jag, du, han, hon, den, det, vi, ni, de.
you (singular)
hon [hun]
den / det
you (plural)
de [dom]
Please pay attention to “den” and “det” – which one to use is depending on noun form. It could be “en” or “ett” type of noun. You will learn about it in a later stage!
Watch the video to listen how to pronounce those pronouns:
There are 2 types of vowels in the Swedish language. /
Det finns 2 typer av vokaler i svenska språket:
Hard (rear) vowels / hårda (bakre) vokaler – a, o, u, å
Soft (front) vowels / mjuka (främre) vokaler –e, i, y, ä, ö
Consonant + hard (rear) vowels = You are reading normally. /
Konsonant + hårda (bakre) vokaler = Man läser normal.
Consonant + soft (front) vowels = You are reading differently. /
Konsonant + mjuka (främre) vokaler = Man läser annorlunda.
Hard (rear) vowels / hårda (bakre) a, o, u, å
Soft (front) vowels / mjuka (främre) vokaler e, i, y, ä, ö
[ sk ]
ska, skola, skura, skåp
[ ch ]
sked, skidor, skynda, skära, skönt
[ g ]
gammal, golvet, gul, gå
[ j ]
ge, gissa, gymnasium, gärna, göra
[ k ]
katt, ko, kultur, kål
[ sh ]
kedja, kilo, kyrka, kärlek, köra
3. You always read TJ, RS, SCHas [sh]./ Man läser alltid TJ, RS, SCH som [ sh ].
tjugo, tjej, tjata, tjena…
[ sh ]
i morse, mars, försent, Vänersborg…
duscha, affisch, bransch…
4. You always read SKJ, STJ, CH as[ch]./ Man läser SKJ, STJ, CH som [ch].
skjorta, skjul, skjuta…
[ ch ]
stjärna, stjäla, stjälk…
chans, charm, champagne…
5. You always read DJ, LJ, HJ, GJ as[ j ]./ Man läser DJ, LJ, HJ, GJ som [ j ].
For example / till exempel: djur, ljus, hjul, gjorde, djup…
6. How to read C/ Hur man läser C:
Hard (rear) vowels / hårda (bakre) a, o, u, å
Soft (front) vowels / mjuka (främre) vokaler e, i, y, ä, ö
[ k ]
cancer, cobra, cup…
[ s ]
cello, citron, cykla…
7. You always read …tion/sion as [ hu:n ]. / Man läser…tion/sionsom [ hu:n ].
There are about 5,000 words in all European languages (including Swedish) that have the same meaning. They all end with …tion/sion. /
Det finns cirka 5 000 ord på alla europeiska språk som har det samma betydelse. De alla slutar med …tion/sion.
For example / Till exempel: tradition, nation, station, expansion, expression…
To listen the pronunciation, you can always type the Swedish word in Google Translate and click the sound button.
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Teacher: Julia – teacher of foreign languages by education, have learned Swedish herself and now teaching “new-comers”. Julia knows well how to teach foreign languages and putting a lot of effort to make classes as effective as possible. It is a challenge to learn Swedish in such a short time frame. So lessons are quite intensive! Be ready to work hard! 🙂