Kitchen and cooking. Matlagning.

Kitchen and cooking. Matlagning.

Watch the video to learn the Swedish words for things in the kitchen and how to cook soup and bread.

 Source:, video by SVENSKA FÖR ALLA


Fika – a traditional Swedish coffee break

Fika – a traditional Swedish coffee break

What is “fika”? Fika is a very important concept in Swedish culture. Simply saying, it means “to have coffee”, often accompanied with cookies, pie or pastries. It is not just about taking another cup of coffee or tea. It is about slowing down, taking a true break, time to enjoy a moment, socialize with colleagues and friends. At work, usually the entire department or team takes the fika break at the same time and enjoy the break together.

Watch the video to learn essential words for fika – in a singular and plural forms. The Swedish word “flera” means “many” in English.

Source:, video by  SVENSKA FÖR ALLA

Done? Take a fika, you deserved it!

Food shopping. Handla mat.

Food shopping. Handla mat.

Once you learned how everyday use products called in Swedish, it is time to go shopping to buy some food and groceries! In this video, you will watch the groceries shopping situation and listen to the typical dialogues.  Read the text in Swedish below (with English translation).

 Source:, video by SVENSKA FÖR ALLA

 -Hej! Vi ska gå och handla. -Hello! We will go shopping.
 -I en affär. Häng med! -In a store. Come along!
 -Här kan man ta en vagn eller korg. -Here can take a cart or basket.
 -Vi tar en korg. -We take a basket.
 -Här har vi bröd. -We have bread.
 -Bröd. -Bread.
 Här har vi frukt och grönsaker. Here we have fruits and vegetables.
 Glöm inte avokadon! Do not forget avocado!
 Här har vi mejeriprodukter. Here we have dairy products.
 Här har vi köttdisken. Here we have the meat dish.
 Vi ska ha kött. We want meat.
 -Men vad ska Vi ha? -But what should we have?
 Vi har nöt och vi har kyckling. We have beef and we have chicken.
 Vad sägs om nöt? How about nuts?
 Nu ska vi gå till kassan. Now we will go to checkout.
 -Nu ska vi betala. -Now we will pay.
 -Det blir 170 kr, tack. – It will be 170 kr, please.
 Vi kan betala kontant… We can pay in cash …
 eller med kort. or by card.
 -Vi tar kontant. -We take cash.
– Tack. -Thanks.
– Här är ditt kvitto. -This is your receipt.
– Glöm inte kvittot. – Do not forget the receipt.
 Nu ska vi packa våra varor. Now we will pack our goods.
 Vi behöver en påse. We need a bag.
 Hej då! Bye!

Previous lesson: 42 everyday products

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